**Introduction: Understanding the Shopify Data Layer Without an App**
When managing a Shopify store, you may need to utilize the Shopify data layer to enhance your tracking and analytics without relying on third-party apps. This guide will walk you through how to enable the Shopify data layer without an app, providing you with a comprehensive method to integrate and leverage it effectively.
**Step 1: Access Your Shopify Theme Code**
To enable the Shopify data layer without an app, start by accessing your Shopify theme’s code. Navigate to your Shopify Admin panel, go to “Online Store,” and then select “Themes.” Click on “Actions” and choose “Edit code” to open your theme’s code editor.
**Step 2: Insert the Shopify Data Layer Script**
In the theme code editor, locate the theme.liquid file under the “Layout” folder. This is where you will add the Shopify data layer script. Copy and paste the provided Shopify data layer code into this file, ideally before the closing `</head>` tag. This integration allows the data layer to collect and store information from various pages and interactions on your store.
Datalayer Code:
* Author: Md Hasanuzzamna
* Email: info@leomeasure.com
* Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/md-h
* Version: 3.0.0
* Last Update: 22 Aug 2024
(function() {
class Ultimate_Shopify_DataLayer {
constructor() {
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
// use a prefix of events name
this.eventPrefix = ”;
//Keep the value false to get non-formatted product ID
this.formattedItemId = true;
// data schema
this.dataSchema = {
ecommerce: {
show: true
dynamicRemarketing: {
show: false,
business_vertical: ‘retail’
// add to wishlist selectors
this.addToWishListSelectors = {
‘addWishListIcon’: ”,
‘gridItemSelector’: ”,
‘productLinkSelector’: ‘a[href*=”/products/”]’
// quick view selectors
this.quickViewSelector = {
‘quickViewElement’: ”,
‘gridItemSelector’: ”,
‘productLinkSelector’: ‘a[href*=”/products/”]’
// mini cart button selector
this.miniCartButton = [
this.miniCartAppersOn = ‘click’;
// begin checkout buttons/links selectors
this.beginCheckoutButtons = [
// direct checkout button selector
this.shopifyDirectCheckoutButton = [
//Keep the value true if Add to Cart redirects to the cart page
this.isAddToCartRedirect = false;
// keep the value false if cart items increment/decrement/remove refresh page
this.isAjaxCartIncrementDecrement = true;
// Caution: Do not modify anything below this line, as it may result in it not functioning correctly.
this.cart = {{ cart | json }}
this.countryCode = “{{ shop.address.country_code }}”;
this.storeURL = “{{ shop.secure_url }}”;
localStorage.setItem(‘shopCountryCode’, this.countryCode);
this.itemsList = [];
updateCart() {
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((data) => {
this.cart = data;
debounce(delay) {
let timeoutId;
return function(func) {
const context = this;
const args = arguments;
timeoutId = setTimeout(function() {
func.apply(context, args);
}, delay);
eventConsole(eventName, eventData) {
const css1 = ‘background: red; color: #fff; font-size: normal; border-radius: 3px 0 0 3px; padding: 3px 4px;’;
const css2 = ‘background-color: blue; color: #fff; font-size: normal; border-radius: 0 3px 3px 0; padding: 3px 4px;’;
console.log(‘%cGTM DataLayer Event:%c’ + eventName, css1, css2, eventData);
collectData() {
{% if template contains ‘cart’ %}
{% endif %}
{% if template contains ‘product’ %}
{% endif %}
{% if template contains ‘collection’ %}
{% endif %}
//logged-in customer data
customerData() {
const currentUser = {};
{% if customer %}
currentUser.id = {{ customer.id }};
currentUser.first_name = “{{ customer.first_name }}”;
currentUser.last_name = “{{ customer.last_name }}”;
currentUser.full_name = “{{ customer.name }}”;
currentUser.email = “{{ customer.email }}”;
currentUser.phone = “{{ customer.default_address.phone }}”;
{% if customer.default_address %}
currentUser.address = {
address_summary: “{{ customer.default_address.summary }}”,
address1: “{{ customer.default_address.address1 }}”,
address2: “{{ customer.default_address.address2 }}”,
city: “{{ customer.default_address.city }}”,
street: “{{ customer.default_address.street }}”,
zip: “{{ customer.default_address.zip }}”,
company: “{{ customer.default_address.company }}”,
country: “{{ customer.default_address.country.name }}”,
countryCode: “{{ customer.default_address.country_code }}”,
province: “{{ customer.default_address.province }}”
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
if (currentUser.email) {
currentUser.hash_email = “{{ customer.email | sha256 }}”
if (currentUser.phone) {
currentUser.hash_phone = “{{ customer.phone | sha256 }}”
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
customer: currentUser
// add_to_cart, remove_from_cart, search
ajaxRequestData() {
const self = this;
// handle non-ajax add to cart
if(this.isAddToCartRedirect) {
document.addEventListener(‘submit’, function(event) {
const addToCartForm = event.target.closest(‘form[action=”/cart/add”]’);
if(addToCartForm) {
const formData = new FormData(addToCartForm);
fetch(window.Shopify.routes.root + ‘cart/add.js’, {
method: ‘POST’,
body: formData
.then(response => {
window.location.href = “{{ routes.cart_url }}”;
.catch((error) => {
console.error(‘Error:’, error);
// fetch
let originalFetch = window.fetch;
let debounce = this.debounce(800);
window.fetch = function () {
return originalFetch.apply(this, arguments).then((response) => {
if (response.ok) {
let cloneResponse = response.clone();
let requestURL = arguments[0][‘url’] || arguments[0];
if(/.*\/search\/?.*\?.*q=.+/.test(requestURL) && !requestURL.includes(‘&requestFrom=uldt’)) {
const queryString = requestURL.split(‘?’)[1];
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(queryString);
const search_term = urlParams.get(“q”);
debounce(function() {
.then(res => res.json())
.then(function(data) {
const products = data.resources.results.products;
if(products.length) {
const fetchRequests = products.map(product =>
.then(response => response.json())
.catch(error => console.error(‘Error fetching:’, error))
.then(products => {
const items = products.map((product) => {
return {
product_id: product.id,
product_title: product.title,
variant_id: product.variants[0].id,
variant_title: product.variants[0].title,
vendor: product.vendor,
total_discount: 0,
final_price: product.price_min,
product_type: product.type,
quantity: 1
self.ecommerceDataLayer(‘search’, {search_term, items});
}else {
self.ecommerceDataLayer(‘search’, {search_term, items: []});
else if (requestURL.includes(“/cart/add”)) {
cloneResponse.text().then((text) => {
let data = JSON.parse(text);
if(data.items && Array.isArray(data.items)) {
data.items.forEach(function(item) {
self.ecommerceDataLayer(‘add_to_cart’, {items: [item]});
} else {
self.ecommerceDataLayer(‘add_to_cart’, {items: [data]});
}else if(requestURL.includes(“/cart/change”) || requestURL.includes(“/cart/update”)) {
cloneResponse.text().then((text) => {
let newCart = JSON.parse(text);
let newCartItems = newCart.items;
let oldCartItems = self.cart.items;
for(let i = 0; i < oldCartItems.length; i++) {
let item = oldCartItems[i];
let newItem = newCartItems.find(newItems => newItems.id === item.id);
if(newItem) {
if(newItem.quantity > item.quantity) {
// cart item increment
let quantity = (newItem.quantity – item.quantity);
let updatedItem = {…item, quantity}
self.ecommerceDataLayer(‘add_to_cart’, {items: [updatedItem]});
}else if(newItem.quantity < item.quantity) {
// cart item decrement
let quantity = (item.quantity – newItem.quantity);
let updatedItem = {…item, quantity}
self.ecommerceDataLayer(‘remove_from_cart’, {items: [updatedItem]});
}else {
self.ecommerceDataLayer(‘remove_from_cart’, {items: [item]});
return response;
// end fetch
var origXMLHttpRequest = XMLHttpRequest;
XMLHttpRequest = function() {
var requestURL;
var xhr = new origXMLHttpRequest();
var origOpen = xhr.open;
var origSend = xhr.send;
// Override the `open` function.
xhr.open = function(method, url) {
requestURL = url;
return origOpen.apply(this, arguments);
xhr.send = function() {
// Only proceed if the request URL matches what we’re looking for.
if (requestURL.includes(“/cart/add”) || requestURL.includes(“/cart/change”) || /.*\/search\/?.*\?.*q=.+/.test(requestURL)) {
xhr.addEventListener(‘load’, function() {
if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 400) {
if(/.*\/search\/?.*\?.*q=.+/.test(requestURL) && !requestURL.includes(‘&requestFrom=uldt’)) {
const queryString = requestURL.split(‘?’)[1];
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(queryString);
const search_term = urlParams.get(“q”);
debounce(function() {
.then(res => res.json())
.then(function(data) {
const products = data.resources.results.products;
if(products.length) {
const fetchRequests = products.map(product =>
.then(response => response.json())
.catch(error => console.error(‘Error fetching:’, error))
.then(products => {
const items = products.map((product) => {
return {
product_id: product.id,
product_title: product.title,
variant_id: product.variants[0].id,
variant_title: product.variants[0].title,
vendor: product.vendor,
total_discount: 0,
final_price: product.price_min,
product_type: product.type,
quantity: 1
self.ecommerceDataLayer(‘search’, {search_term, items});
}else {
self.ecommerceDataLayer(‘search’, {search_term, items: []});
else if(requestURL.includes(“/cart/add”)) {
const data = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
if(data.items && Array.isArray(data.items)) {
data.items.forEach(function(item) {
self.ecommerceDataLayer(‘add_to_cart’, {items: [item]});
} else {
self.ecommerceDataLayer(‘add_to_cart’, {items: [data]});
}else if(requestURL.includes(“/cart/change”)) {
const newCart = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
const newCartItems = newCart.items;
let oldCartItems = self.cart.items;
for(let i = 0; i < oldCartItems.length; i++) {
let item = oldCartItems[i];
let newItem = newCartItems.find(newItems => newItems.id === item.id);
if(newItem) {
if(newItem.quantity > item.quantity) {
// cart item increment
let quantity = (newItem.quantity – item.quantity);
let updatedItem = {…item, quantity}
self.ecommerceDataLayer(‘add_to_cart’, {items: [updatedItem]});
}else if(newItem.quantity < item.quantity) {
// cart item decrement
let quantity = (item.quantity – newItem.quantity);
let updatedItem = {…item, quantity}
self.ecommerceDataLayer(‘remove_from_cart’, {items: [updatedItem]});
}else {
self.ecommerceDataLayer(‘remove_from_cart’, {items: [item]});
return origSend.apply(this, arguments);
return xhr;
//end xhr
// search event from search page
searchPageData() {
const self = this;
let pageUrl = window.location.href;
if(/.+\/search\?.*\&?q=.+/.test(pageUrl)) {
const queryString = pageUrl.split(‘?’)[1];
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(queryString);
const search_term = urlParams.get(“q”);
fetch(`{{ shop.secure_url }}/search/suggest.json?q=${search_term}&resources[type]=product&requestFrom=uldt`)
.then(res => res.json())
.then(function(data) {
const products = data.resources.results.products;
if(products.length) {
const fetchRequests = products.map(product =>
.then(response => response.json())
.catch(error => console.error(‘Error fetching:’, error))
.then(products => {
const items = products.map((product) => {
return {
product_id: product.id,
product_title: product.title,
variant_id: product.variants[0].id,
variant_title: product.variants[0].title,
vendor: product.vendor,
total_discount: 0,
final_price: product.price_min,
product_type: product.type,
quantity: 1
self.ecommerceDataLayer(‘search’, {search_term, items});
}else {
self.ecommerceDataLayer(‘search’, {search_term, items: []});
// view_cart
miniCartData() {
if(this.miniCartButton.length) {
let self = this;
if(this.miniCartAppersOn === ‘hover’) {
this.miniCartAppersOn = ‘mouseenter’;
this.miniCartButton.forEach((selector) => {
let miniCartButtons = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
miniCartButtons.forEach((miniCartButton) => {
miniCartButton.addEventListener(self.miniCartAppersOn, () => {
self.ecommerceDataLayer(‘view_cart’, self.cart);
// begin_checkout
beginCheckoutData() {
let self = this;
document.addEventListener(‘pointerdown’, (event) => {
let targetElement = event.target.closest(self.beginCheckoutButtons.join(‘, ‘));
if(targetElement) {
self.ecommerceDataLayer(‘begin_checkout’, self.cart);
// view_cart, add_to_cart, remove_from_cart
viewCartPageData() {
this.ecommerceDataLayer(‘view_cart’, this.cart);
//if cart quantity chagne reload page
if(!this.isAjaxCartIncrementDecrement) {
const self = this;
document.addEventListener(‘pointerdown’, (event) => {
const target = event.target.closest(‘a[href*=”/cart/change?”]’);
if(target) {
const linkUrl = target.getAttribute(‘href’);
const queryString = linkUrl.split(“?”)[1];
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(queryString);
const newQuantity = urlParams.get(“quantity”);
const line = urlParams.get(“line”);
const cart_id = urlParams.get(“id”);
if(newQuantity && (line || cart_id)) {
let item = line ? {…self.cart.items[line – 1]} : self.cart.items.find(item => item.key === cart_id);
let event = ‘add_to_cart’;
if(newQuantity < item.quantity) {
event = ‘remove_from_cart’;
let quantity = Math.abs(newQuantity – item.quantity);
item[‘quantity’] = quantity;
self.ecommerceDataLayer(event, {items: [item]});
productSinglePage() {
{% if template contains ‘product’ %}
const item = {
product_id: {{ product.id | json }},
variant_id: {{ product.selected_or_first_available_variant.id }},
product_title: {{ product.title | json }},
line_level_total_discount: 0,
vendor: {{ product.vendor | json }},
sku: {{ product.selected_or_first_available_variant.sku | json }},
product_type: {{ product.type | json }},
item_list_id: {{ product.collections[0].id | json }},
item_list_name: {{ product.collections[0].title | json }},
{% if product.selected_or_first_available_variant.title != “Default Title” %}
variant_title: {{ product.selected_or_first_available_variant.title | json }},
{% endif %}
final_price: {{ product.selected_or_first_available_variant.price }},
quantity: 1
const variants = {{ product.variants | json }}
this.ecommerceDataLayer(‘view_item’, {items: [item]});
if(this.shopifyDirectCheckoutButton.length) {
let self = this;
document.addEventListener(‘pointerdown’, (event) => {
let target = event.target;
let checkoutButton = event.target.closest(this.shopifyDirectCheckoutButton.join(‘, ‘));
if(checkoutButton && (variants || self.quickViewVariants)) {
let checkoutForm = checkoutButton.closest(‘form[action*=”/cart/add”]’);
if(checkoutForm) {
let variant_id = null;
let varientInput = checkoutForm.querySelector(‘input[name=”id”]’);
let varientIdFromURL = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get(‘variant’);
let firstVarientId = item.variant_id;
if(varientInput) {
variant_id = parseInt(varientInput.value);
}else if(varientIdFromURL) {
variant_id = varientIdFromURL;
}else if(firstVarientId) {
variant_id = firstVarientId;
if(variant_id) {
variant_id = parseInt(variant_id);
let quantity = 1;
let quantitySelector = checkoutForm.getAttribute(‘id’);
if(quantitySelector) {
let quentityInput = document.querySelector(‘input[name=”quantity”][form=”‘+quantitySelector+'”]’);
if(quentityInput) {
quantity = +quentityInput.value;
if(variant_id) {
let variant = variants.find(item => item.id === +variant_id);
if(variant && item) {
item[‘variant_id’] = variant_id;
item[‘variant_title’] = variant.title;
item[‘final_price’] = variant.price;
item[‘quantity’] = quantity;
self.ecommerceDataLayer(‘add_to_cart’, {items: [item]});
self.ecommerceDataLayer(‘begin_checkout’, {items: [item]});
}else if(self.quickViewedItem) {
let variant = self.quickViewVariants.find(item => item.id === +variant_id);
if(variant) {
self.quickViewedItem[‘variant_id’] = variant_id;
self.quickViewedItem[‘variant_title’] = variant.title;
self.quickViewedItem[‘final_price’] = parseFloat(variant.price) * 100;
self.quickViewedItem[‘quantity’] = quantity;
self.ecommerceDataLayer(‘add_to_cart’, {items: [self.quickViewedItem]});
self.ecommerceDataLayer(‘begin_checkout’, {items: [self.quickViewedItem]});
{% endif %}
collectionsPageData() {
var ecommerce = {
‘items’: [
{% for product in collection.products %}
‘product_id’: {{ product.id | json }},
‘variant_id’: {{ product.selected_or_first_available_variant.id | json }},
‘vendor’: {{ product.vendor | json }},
‘sku’: {{ product.selected_or_first_available_variant.sku | json }},
‘total_discount’: 0,
‘variant_title’: {{ product.selected_or_first_available_variant.title | json }},
‘product_title’: {{ product.title | json }},
‘final_price’: Number({{ product.price }}),
‘product_type’: {{ product.type | json }},
‘item_list_id’: {{ collection.id | json }},
‘item_list_name’: {{ collection.title | json }},
‘url’: {{product.url | json}},
‘quantity’: 1
{% endfor %}
this.itemsList = ecommerce.items;
ecommerce[‘item_list_id’] = {{ collection.id | json }}
ecommerce[‘item_list_name’] = {{ collection.title | json }}
this.ecommerceDataLayer(‘view_item_list’, ecommerce);
// add to wishlist
addToWishListData() {
if(this.addToWishListSelectors && this.addToWishListSelectors.addWishListIcon) {
const self = this;
document.addEventListener(‘pointerdown’, (event) => {
let target = event.target;
if(target.closest(self.addToWishListSelectors.addWishListIcon)) {
let pageULR = window.location.href.replace(/\?.+/, ”);
let requestURL = undefined;
if(/\/products\/[^/]+$/.test(pageULR)) {
requestURL = pageULR;
} else if(self.addToWishListSelectors.gridItemSelector && self.addToWishListSelectors.productLinkSelector) {
let itemElement = target.closest(self.addToWishListSelectors.gridItemSelector);
if(itemElement) {
let linkElement = itemElement.querySelector(self.addToWishListSelectors.productLinkSelector);
if(linkElement) {
let link = linkElement.getAttribute(‘href’).replace(/\?.+/g, ”);
if(link && /\/products\/[^/]+$/.test(link)) {
requestURL = link;
if(requestURL) {
fetch(requestURL + ‘.json’)
.then(res => res.json())
.then(result => {
let data = result.product;
if(data) {
let dataLayerData = {
product_id: data.id,
variant_id: data.variants[0].id,
product_title: data.title,
quantity: 1,
final_price: parseFloat(data.variants[0].price) * 100,
total_discount: 0,
product_type: data.product_type,
vendor: data.vendor,
variant_title: (data.variants[0].title !== ‘Default Title’) ? data.variants[0].title : undefined,
sku: data.variants[0].sku,
self.ecommerceDataLayer(‘add_to_wishlist’, {items: [dataLayerData]});
quickViewData() {
if(this.quickViewSelector.quickViewElement && this.quickViewSelector.gridItemSelector && this.quickViewSelector.productLinkSelector) {
const self = this;
document.addEventListener(‘pointerdown’, (event) => {
let target = event.target;
if(target.closest(self.quickViewSelector.quickViewElement)) {
let requestURL = undefined;
let itemElement = target.closest(this.quickViewSelector.gridItemSelector );
if(itemElement) {
let linkElement = itemElement.querySelector(self.quickViewSelector.productLinkSelector);
if(linkElement) {
let link = linkElement.getAttribute(‘href’).replace(/\?.+/g, ”);
if(link && /\/products\/[^/]+$/.test(link)) {
requestURL = link;
if(requestURL) {
fetch(requestURL + ‘.json’)
.then(res => res.json())
.then(result => {
let data = result.product;
if(data) {
let dataLayerData = {
product_id: data.id,
variant_id: data.variants[0].id,
product_title: data.title,
quantity: 1,
final_price: parseFloat(data.variants[0].price) * 100,
total_discount: 0,
product_type: data.product_type,
vendor: data.vendor,
variant_title: (data.variants[0].title !== ‘Default Title’) ? data.variants[0].title : undefined,
sku: data.variants[0].sku,
self.ecommerceDataLayer(‘view_item’, {items: [dataLayerData]});
self.quickViewVariants = data.variants;
self.quickViewedItem = dataLayerData;
{% unless template contains ‘product’ %}
if(this.shopifyDirectCheckoutButton.length) {
let self = this;
document.addEventListener(‘pointerdown’, (event) => {
let target = event.target;
let checkoutButton = event.target.closest(this.shopifyDirectCheckoutButton.join(‘, ‘));
if(self.quickViewVariants && self.quickViewedItem && self.quickViewVariants.length && checkoutButton) {
let checkoutForm = checkoutButton.closest(‘form[action*=”/cart/add”]’);
if(checkoutForm) {
let quantity = 1;
let varientInput = checkoutForm.querySelector(‘input[name=”id”]’);
let quantitySelector = checkoutForm.getAttribute(‘id’);
if(quantitySelector) {
let quentityInput = document.querySelector(‘input[name=”quantity”][form=”‘+quantitySelector+'”]’);
if(quentityInput) {
quantity = +quentityInput.value;
if(varientInput) {
let variant_id = parseInt(varientInput.value);
if(variant_id) {
const variant = self.quickViewVariants.find(item => item.id === +variant_id);
if(variant && self.quickViewedItem) {
self.quickViewedItem[‘variant_id’] = variant_id;
self.quickViewedItem[‘variant_title’] = variant.title;
self.quickViewedItem[‘final_price’] = parseFloat(variant.price) * 100;
self.quickViewedItem[‘quantity’] = quantity;
self.ecommerceDataLayer(‘add_to_cart’, {items: [self.quickViewedItem]});
self.ecommerceDataLayer(‘begin_checkout’, {items: [self.quickViewedItem]});
{% endunless %}
// select_item events
selectItemData() {
const self = this;
const items = this.itemsList;
{% if template contains ‘collection’ %}
document.addEventListener(‘pointerdown’, function(event) {
const productLink = event.target.closest(‘a[href*=”/products/”]’);
if(productLink) {
const linkUrl = productLink.getAttribute(‘href’);
const matchProduct = (item) => {
var itemSlug = (item.url.split(‘/products/’)[1]).split(‘#’)[0].split(‘?’)[0].trim();
var linkUrlItemSlug = (linkUrl.split(‘/products/’)[1]).split(‘#’)[0].split(‘?’)[0].trim();
return itemSlug === linkUrlItemSlug;
const item = items.find(matchProduct);
const index = items.findIndex(matchProduct);
if(item) {
self.ecommerceDataLayer(‘select_item’, {items: [{…item, index: index}]});
{% endif %}
// select item on varient change
document.addEventListener(‘variant:change’, function(event) {
const product_id = event.detail.product.id;
const variant_id = event.detail.variant.id;
const vendor = event.detail.product.vendor;
const variant_title = event.detail.variant.public_title;
const product_title = event.detail.product.title;
const final_price = event.detail.variant.price;
const product_type = event.detail.product.type;
const item = {
product_id: product_id,
product_title: product_title,
variant_id: variant_id,
variant_title: variant_title,
vendor: vendor,
final_price: final_price,
product_type: product_type,
quantity: 1
self.ecommerceDataLayer(‘select_item’, {items: [item]});
// all ecommerce events
ecommerceDataLayer(event, data) {
const self = this;
dataLayer.push({ ‘ecommerce’: null });
const dataLayerData = {
“event”: this.eventPrefix + event,
‘ecommerce’: {
‘currency’: this.cart.currency,
‘items’: data.items.map((item, index) => {
const dataLayerItem = {
‘index’: index,
‘item_id’: this.formattedItemId ? `shopify_${this.countryCode}_${item.product_id}_${item.variant_id}` : item.product_id.toString(),
‘product_id’: item.product_id.toString(),
‘variant_id’: item.variant_id.toString(),
‘item_name’: item.product_title,
‘quantity’: item.quantity,
‘price’: +((item.final_price / 100).toFixed(2)),
‘discount’: item.total_discount ? +((item.total_discount / 100).toFixed(2)) : 0
if(item.product_type) {
dataLayerItem[‘item_category’] = item.product_type;
if(item.vendor) {
dataLayerItem[‘item_brand’] = item.vendor;
if(item.variant_title && item.variant_title !== ‘Default Title’) {
dataLayerItem[‘item_variant’] = item.variant_title;
if(item.sku) {
dataLayerItem[‘sku’] = item.sku;
if(item.item_list_name) {
dataLayerItem[‘item_list_name’] = item.item_list_name;
if(item.item_list_id) {
dataLayerItem[‘item_list_id’] = item.item_list_id.toString()
return dataLayerItem;
if(data.total_price !== undefined) {
dataLayerData[‘ecommerce’][‘value’] = +((data.total_price / 100).toFixed(2));
} else {
dataLayerData[‘ecommerce’][‘value’] = +(dataLayerData[‘ecommerce’][‘items’].reduce((total, item) => total + (item.price * item.quantity), 0)).toFixed(2);
if(data.item_list_id) {
dataLayerData[‘ecommerce’][‘item_list_id’] = data.item_list_id;
if(data.item_list_name) {
dataLayerData[‘ecommerce’][‘item_list_name’] = data.item_list_name;
if(data.search_term) {
dataLayerData[‘search_term’] = data.search_term;
if(self.dataSchema.dynamicRemarketing && self.dataSchema.dynamicRemarketing.show) {
dataLayer.push({ ‘dynamicRemarketing’: null });
dataLayerData[‘dynamicRemarketing’] = {
value: dataLayerData.ecommerce.value,
items: dataLayerData.ecommerce.items.map(item => ({id: item.item_id, google_business_vertical: self.dataSchema.dynamicRemarketing.business_vertical}))
if(!self.dataSchema.ecommerce || !self.dataSchema.ecommerce.show) {
delete dataLayerData[‘ecommerce’];
self.eventConsole(self.eventPrefix + event, dataLayerData);
// contact form submit & newsletters signup
formData() {
const self = this;
document.addEventListener(‘submit’, function(event) {
let targetForm = event.target.closest(‘form[action^=”/contact”]’);
if(targetForm) {
const formData = {
form_location: window.location.href,
form_id: targetForm.getAttribute(‘id’),
form_classes: targetForm.getAttribute(‘class’)
let formType = targetForm.querySelector(‘input[name=”form_type”]’);
let inputs = targetForm.querySelectorAll(“input:not([type=hidden]):not([type=submit]), textarea, select”);
inputs.forEach(function(input) {
var inputName = input.name;
var inputValue = input.value;
if (inputName && inputValue) {
var matches = inputName.match(/\[(.*?)\]/);
if (matches && matches.length > 1) {
var fieldName = matches[1];
formData[fieldName] = input.value;
if(formType && formType.value === ‘customer’) {
dataLayer.push({ event: self.eventPrefix + ‘newsletter_signup’, …formData});
self.eventConsole(self.eventPrefix + ‘newsletter_signup’, { event: self.eventPrefix + ‘newsletter_signup’, …formData});
} else if(formType && formType.value === ‘contact’) {
dataLayer.push({ event: self.eventPrefix + ‘contact_form_submit’, …formData});
self.eventConsole(self.eventPrefix + ‘contact_form_submit’, { event: self.eventPrefix + ‘contact_form_submit’, …formData});
// phone_number_click event
phoneClickData() {
const self = this;
document.addEventListener(‘click’, function(event) {
let target = event.target.closest(‘a[href^=”tel:”]’);
if(target) {
let phone_number = target.getAttribute(‘href’).replace(‘tel:’, ”);
let eventData = {
event: self.eventPrefix + ‘phone_number_click’,
page_location: window.location.href,
link_classes: target.getAttribute(‘class’),
link_id: target.getAttribute(‘id’),
this.eventConsole(self.eventPrefix + ‘phone_number_click’, eventData);
// email_click event
emailClickData() {
const self = this;
document.addEventListener(‘click’, function(event) {
let target = event.target.closest(‘a[href^=”mailto:”]’);
if(target) {
let email_address = target.getAttribute(‘href’).replace(‘mailto:’, ”);
let eventData = {
event: self.eventPrefix + ’email_click’,
page_location: window.location.href,
link_classes: target.getAttribute(‘class’),
link_id: target.getAttribute(‘id’),
this.eventConsole(self.eventPrefix + ’email_click’, eventData);
//login register
loginRegisterData() {
const self = this;
let isTrackedLogin = false;
let isTrackedRegister = false;
if(window.location.href.includes(‘/account/login’)) {
document.addEventListener(‘submit’, function(e) {
const loginForm = e.target.closest(‘[action=”/account/login”]’);
if(loginForm && !isTrackedLogin) {
const eventData = {
event: self.eventPrefix + ‘login’
isTrackedLogin = true;
self.eventConsole(self.eventPrefix + ‘login’, eventData);
if(window.location.href.includes(‘/account/register’)) {
document.addEventListener(‘submit’, function(e) {
const registerForm = e.target.closest(‘[action=”/account”]’);
if(registerForm && !isTrackedRegister) {
const eventData = {
event: self.eventPrefix + ‘sign_up’
isTrackedRegister = true;
self.eventConsole(self.eventPrefix + ‘sign_up’, eventData);
// end Ultimate_Shopify_DataLayer
document.addEventListener(‘DOMContentLoaded’, function() {
new Ultimate_Shopify_DataLayer();
}catch(error) {
Checkout page > Order Status page:
<!– Google Tag Manager –>
(function (w, d, s, l, i) {
w[l] = w[l] || [];
w[l].push({ “gtm.start”: new Date().getTime(), event: “gtm.js” });
var f = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
j = d.createElement(s),
dl = l != “dataLayer” ? “&l=” + l : “”;
j.async = true;
j.src = “https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id=” + i + dl;
f.parentNode.insertBefore(j, f);
})(window, document, “script”, “dataLayer”, “GTM-00000000″);
<!– End Google Tag Manager –>
{% if first_time_accessed %}
<!– GTM DataLayer –>
(function() {
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
const eventPrefix = ”;
const formatedItemId = true;
const dataSchema = {
ecommerce: {
show: true
dynamicRemarketing: {
show: false,
business_vertical: ‘retail’
// customer information
const currentUser = {};
{% if customer %}
currentUser.id = {{ customer.id }};
currentUser.first_name = “{{ customer.first_name }}”;
currentUser.last_name = “{{ customer.last_name }}”;
currentUser.full_name = “{{ customer.name }}”;
currentUser.email = “{{ customer.email }}”;
currentUser.phone = “{{ customer.default_address.phone }}”;
currentUser.new_customer = {% if customer.orders_count < 2 %}true{% else %}false{% endif %};
{% if customer.default_address %}
currentUser.address = {
address_summary: “{{ customer.default_address.summary }}”,
address1: “{{ customer.default_address.address1 }}”,
address2: “{{ customer.default_address.address2 }}”,
city: “{{ customer.default_address.city }}”,
street: “{{ customer.default_address.street }}”,
zip: “{{ customer.default_address.zip }}”,
company: “{{ customer.default_address.company }}”,
country: “{{ customer.default_address.country.name }}”,
countryCode: “{{ customer.default_address.country_code }}”,
province: “{{ customer.default_address.province }}”
{% endif %}
{% elsif checkout.customer %}
currentUser.id = {{ checkout.customer.id }};
currentUser.first_name = “{{ checkout.customer.first_name }}”;
currentUser.last_name = “{{ checkout.customer.last_name }}”;
currentUser.full_name = “{{ checkout.customer.name }}”;
currentUser.email = “{{ checkout.customer.email }}”;
currentUser.phone = “{{ checkout.customer.default_address.phone }}”;
currentUser.new_customer = {% if checkout.customer.orders_count < 2 %}true{% else %}false{% endif %};
{% if checkout.billing_address %}
currentUser.address = {
address_summary: “{{ checkout.billing_address.summary }}”,
address1: “{{ checkout.billing_address.address1 }}”,
address2: “{{ checkout.billing_address.address2 }}”,
city: “{{ checkout.billing_address.city }}”,
street: “{{ checkout.billing_address.street }}”,
zip: “{{ checkout.billing_address.zip }}”,
company: “{{ checkout.billing_address.company }}”,
country: “{{ checkout.billing_address.country.name }}”,
countryCode: “{{ checkout.billing_address.country_code }}”,
province: “{{ checkout.billing_address.province }}”
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
if (currentUser.email) {
currentUser.hash_email = “{{ currentUser.email | sha256}}”
if (currentUser.phone) {
currentUser.hash_phone = “{{ currentUser.phone | sha256}}”
customer: currentUser
// purchase event
const couponCode = [];
{% for discount_application in discount_applications %}
couponCode.push(“{{ discount_application.title }}”)
{% endfor %}
dataLayer.push({ ecommerce: null });
const dataLayerData = {
event: eventPrefix + “purchase”,
ecommerce: {
transaction_id: “{{ checkout.order_number | replace: ‘#’, ” | default: checkout.id | replace: ‘#’, ” }}”,
value: {{ checkout.total_price | times: 0.01 }},
tax: {{ checkout.tax_price | times: 0.01 }},
shipping: {{ checkout.shipping_price | times: 0.01 }},
discount: {{ checkout.discounts_amount | times: 0.01 }},
currency: “{{ checkout.currency }}”,
coupon: couponCode.join(‘,’),
items: [
{% for line_item in line_items %}
item_id: formatedItemId ? “shopify_{{ shop.address.country_code }}_{{ line_item.product_id }}_{{ line_item.variant.id }}” : “{{ line_item.product_id }}”,
product_id: “{{ line_item.product_id }}”,
variant_id: “{{ line_item.variant.id }}”,
item_name: “{{ line_item.product.title }}”,
{% if line_item.variant.title != “Default Title” %}
‘item_variant’: “{{ line_item.variant.title }}”,
{% endif %}
discount: {{ line_item.line_level_total_discount | times: 0.01 }},
sku: “{{ line_item.sku }}”,
price: {{ line_item.final_price | times: 0.01 }},
quantity: {{ line_item.quantity }},
item_brand: “{{ line_item.vendor }}”,
item_category: “{{ line_item.product.type }}”
{% endfor %}
if(dataSchema.dynamicRemarketing && dataSchema.dynamicRemarketing.show) {
dataLayerData[‘dynamicRemarketing’] = {
value: dataLayerData.ecommerce.value,
items: dataLayerData.ecommerce.items.map(item => ({id: item.item_id, google_business_vertical: dataSchema.dynamicRemarketing.business_vertical}))
if(!dataSchema.ecommerce || !dataSchema.ecommerce.show) {
delete dataLayerData[‘ecommerce’];
<!– END GTM DataLayer –>
{% endif %}
**Step 3: Customize the Shopify Data Layer for Your Needs**
After inserting the script, you may need to customize the Shopify data layer according to your specific tracking requirements. Adjust the data layer variables and events based on what you want to track, such as product views, add-to-cart actions, or purchase completions.
**Step 4: Test the Shopify Data Layer Integration**
Once you have added and customized the Shopify data layer script, it’s crucial to test it to ensure it’s working as expected. Use browser developer tools or tag management systems to verify that the data layer is capturing the correct data and firing events properly.
**Step 5: Monitor and Optimize the Data Layer**
With the Shopify data layer enabled, continuously monitor the data it collects to ensure it aligns with your analytics goals. Optimize the data layer configuration as needed to refine the data collection process and improve your insights.
**Conclusion: Mastering the Shopify Data Layer Without an App**
Enabling the Shopify data layer without an app allows you to gain valuable insights into your store’s performance without additional software. By following these steps, you can efficiently implement and utilize the data layer to enhance your tracking and analytics capabilities.